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Trout Lily next to a Stream

Woodland Wander

Duration: 5 Hours | Difficulty: Moderate | Ages: 8 and up

Per Person 1-2: $89.00 | Per Person 3-5: $75.00 | Per Person 6-11: $65.00

Highlights: Streams, Cascades, History, Deep Forest

Description: This hike takes place along an old logging road that passes old homesteads, cascades and a small waterfall before turning onto a quiet woodland path. Here, the trail is a gentle, thick with Eastern Hemlocks and magnolias. Plenty of small stream crossings enliven our walk as we explore this relatively new forest. Similarly, we’ll learn about the important plants that protect the diversity of these streams and discover the amazing aquatic life that calls these waterways home.

Meeting Location: Sugarlands Visitors Center