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Plan Your Trip

Whether you have been to the Smokies a million times or are visiting for the first time, A Walk in the Woods would love to make it easier to plan your trip. Below, you’ll find helpful links to some of our favorite places and backcountry consultation information. We have also included links to worthy causes and helpful Smokies sites.

Plan your trip with critical weather information and proper permits through the Park.

Helpful Links for Places to Stay in and around the Smoky Mountains

Backpacking and Camping Consultations

Even if you have backpacked in the area before and just don’t want to deal with the hassle of routes and reservations or you simply have never been to the Smokies and you want to get the most out of your trip, our program manager would love to help.

Please reach out at or give our office a call at 865-436-8283 for details and a quote. We would love to help you plan your trip.

Helpful Links to Plan your Trip

Places to Donate

After spending some time in our amazing park, you may feel the need to pay it forward. Below are a few places we really feel are the ‘bees knees’.

  • Appalachian Bear Rescue  cares for orphaned and injured black bear cubs for return to their natural wild habitat; increases public awareness about coexisting with black bears; and studies all aspects of returning cubs to the wild.
  • Discover Life in America Our mission is to discover, understand and conserve biological diversity in Great Smoky Mountains National Park and beyond.
  • Great Smoky Mountains National Park

  • Smokies Life Smokies Life supports the perpetual preservation of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and the national park system by promoting greater public understanding and appreciation through education, interpretation, and research.

  • The Nature Conservancy   Together, we Can tackle some of nature’s biggest challenges.
  • National Parks Conservation Association We’re protecting and enhancing America’s National Park System for present and future generations
  • Indigenous Environmental Network Our mission is to protect the sacredness of Mother Earth from contamination and exploitation by strengthening, maintaining, and respecting traditional teachings and natural laws.
  • Sierra Club and Our Children’s Earth Foundation Both of these organizations, along with NPCA, played crucial roles in the State of NC lawsuit against TVA.

More great places to support!

  • Latino Outdoors is a community first and an organization second. We are a community that strives for an outdoors that is safe and welcoming for all people, regardless of race, creed, nationality, language, gender, sexual orientation, or ability. We are a community that celebrates diverse forms of outdoor engagement.
  • Girl Scouts of America

  • OUT There Adventures is an adventure education organization committed to fostering positive identity development, individual empowerment and improved quality of life for queer young people through professionally facilitated experiential education activities.
  • Gatlinburg Arts and Crafts Community

  • The Jane Goodall Institute By protecting chimpanzees and inspiring people to conserve the natural world we all share, we improve the lives of people, animals and the environment.
  • Great Smoky Mountains Institute at Tremont delivers experiential learning for youth, educators, and adults through programs that promote self-discovery, critical thinking, and effective teaching and leadership. We believe that education creates lasting positive change for people and our planet.
  • One Percent for the Planet was founded to prevent greenwashing, certify reputable giving and provide accountability.
  • Johnson Ohana Foundation was founded in 2008 by Kim and Jack Johnson to promote positive and lasting change within communities by supporting organizations that focus on environmental, art, and music education.
  • Foothills Land Conservancy

Guided full day hike in the Smokies. Smoky Mountain Retreat. Plan your trip to get the best of the Smokies!
Plan your trip to catch wildflowers!
We know all of the best places to go! Like fern covered trails!
Wildflower pilgrimage view of Bloodroot
Plan your Trip. See this morning stream sunrise.