Camping and Backpacking Equipment Rentals
If automobile technology had advanced as fast as backpacking and camping gear has in the last 40 years, cars would last 50 years without maintenance, run silently, and fold up to store in a closet. A slight exaggeration maybe, but outdoor equipment today is vastly superior to gear a decade ago. Conveniently, equipment rentals can help you get what you need and an up to date education on how to use the items. However, these advances have added a wide array of styles and setups in tents, backpacks and stoves.
Because of this, at A Walk in the Woods, we do not just hand you a pile of gear and wish you good luck. All of our equipment rentals are by appointment only. We schedule the time to properly match a backpack to your frame, and train you to be an expert in adjusting it to maintain comfort, and show you how to pack it. Additionally, we will set the tent up with you, light the stove and purify water with the filter. Before you leave, you will be comfortable in the use of all the equipment you rent from us.

For more information about availability of equipment rentals and rates, please contact our office.